Sudurland College
Principal: Olga Lísa Garðarsdóttir Vice-principal: Sigursveinn Sigurðsson Course Director: Björgvin E. Björgvinsson Financial Director: Haraldur Eiríksson |
Study Counsellor:Agnes Ósk Snorradóttir, Anna Fríða Bjarnadóttir and Bjarney Sif Ægisdóttir Field Directors: Kristjana Sigríður Skúladóttir and Ida Løn |
Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands (FSu) - South Iceland College, is one of the largest upper-secondary schools in the country outside the Capital – was established in 1981. We are situated in Selfoss, in the municipality of Árborg. The school serves the counties in South Iceland with a population of approximately 19,000. We have around 800 students and 120 members of staff. Most of our students are aged between 16 and 20 but adults may also attend classes. About a fifth of our students come to school daily by public transport from towns and rural areas.
We offer academic and vocational studies with a wide range of courses. Most of our programmes take 3 to 4 years. We have several academic lines of study leading to matriculation examination and several vocational training programmes for the skilled trades. Students in vocational studies also have the option of graduating with a matriculation examination which some choose to complete in parallel with their vocational training. Academic matriculation programmes include different lines of study such as Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Languages and Business Studies. The vocational training programmes include Nurse Assistant and the skilled trades: Hairstyling, Carpentry, Industrial Metal Work and Electrical Work. We also offer matriculation programmes and shorter lines of study in Horsemanship, Sports and Arts, as well as a special education programme is for students with learning disabilities. In addition to this, the school supervises adult education in Icelandic prisons.
The school year is divided into two terms consisting of 17–18 weeks each. The Autumn Term begins around August 20 and graduation is around December 20. The Spring Term commences around January 7 and graduation is around May 23. A full-time student normally completes 30- 33 credits per semester and grades are given on a 1 - 10 scale.
Teaching takes place in three buildings on the school grounds; Oddi where academic studies and arts are taught, Hamar where the vocational studies take place and in Iða where physical education and sports training take place. Teaching and training in horsemanship takes place on the horse farm Votmúli, in vicinity of the Selfoss area
In partnership with local sporting associations, we offer five Sport Academies for students enrolled in different study programmes. These are basketball, handball, football (soccer), gymnastics and athletics.
As for organizing social activities at school, students elect members for a student union which organizes e.g. social activities such as dances, concerts and sports events.
We have always been active in foreign cooperation and teachers and students take part in exchange programmes through participation in Erasmus and Nordplus. Every year the school receives groups of educators, students and others interested in education in Iceland.
FSu – South Iceland College is a popular upper-secondary school in a thriving agricultural and administrative area. It is in the vicinity of some of Iceland’s most scenic destinations, attracting tourist from all over the world. We put emphasis on good cooperation with local businesses and authorities, as well as other educational institutions. We support life -long learning for our staff and encourage the concept of the school as a professional learning community.